Driver Knowledge Tests

End of daylight saving brings accident risks for motorists

Daylight saving begins on the first Sunday in October when clocks are put forwards an hour and ends on the first Sunday of April when clocks are put back one hour. Insurance companies in the UK report that when the

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle, Motorbike

The risks of hitting animals on Australia’s roads

Depending on where you live you’ll have to deal with ‘roos, wallabies, cattle, sheep, emus, camels or cassowaries, but in autumn, you’re much more likely to see deer on the roads because it’s their mating seasons, and that creates an

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle, Motorbike

Preventing driveway accidents with children

Around five children are killed and 50 children injured each year in driveway runover accidents. As the majority of these children are toddlers, the injuries can be very severe and crippling if they do survive. Toddlers can move quite quickly

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Posted in Advice, Car

ICE contact details in an accident

If you have a vehicle accident and are incapacitated, it’s a good idea to have your ‘in case of emergency (ICE)’ details available. You can put this in your phone under ‘ICE’, but that requires someone to know your unlock

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle, Motorbike

High visibility police operation to target risk-taking drivers

The road toll for 2015 is already 10% higher than 2014 and that has prompted Minister for Roads and Freight, Duncan Gay, to ask NSW Police Traffic and Highway Patrol to conduct an intensive, high-visibility operation called Operation Saturation to

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Ride to Live campaign and website goes live – we assess whether it’s any good

Last week Minister for Roads and Freight Duncan Gay launched the NSW Government’s new motorcycle education campaign ‘Ride to Live’, to help motorcyclists and other motorists better identify and manage the issues, which put motorcyclists at risk. We’ve had a

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Posted in Motorbike, News

Common injuries motorbike riders suffer

However much protective clothing you wear (read our guide here), there’s always the risk of injury if you come off your motorbike at speed – you can only minimise the risk, not eliminate it. The Hurt Report found that 98%

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Posted in Advice, Motorbike