Motorbikes can use some lanes that some other vehicles can’t, but it’s not always signposted.
Bus lanes
Motorbikes can use bus lanes, but not bus-only lanes.

Motorbikes can use bus lanes (as can taxis, hire cars, emergency vehicles, bicycles and special purpose vehicles), but not bus-only lanes
Traffic light at bus lanes often have a white B to give traffic in the bus lane priority. Motorbikes can proceed in the direction of the lane or can turn left as long as there’s not a red arrow to the left.
Transit lanes
Lanes marked with T2 and T3 can be used by motorbikes and scooters. They are carpooling lanes for vehicles with two or three occupants, but can also be used by some other vehicles like taxis, bikes and buses – vehicles which reduce the impact of congestion.
Motorbike riders should be careful of other vehicles entering bus and transit lanes, particularly within 100m of intersections when they are likely to enter the bus lane to slow down.
Motorbikes are allowed to ‘lane split’ or filter through traffic as long as they do it safely. The maximum speed for lane splitting is 30km/h – get caught doing more than that and you get a large fine and three demerit points. Read this article for more about lane splitting.
Motorbikes and scooters of less than 50cc must not use motorways at all, but other motorbikes and scooters can use all motorway lanes except the hard shoulder unless it’s a smart motorway and the hard shoulder is open for use as a lane.
Trucks use left lane
This sign is a signal that trucks must use the left lane, but any other vehicle can also use this lane.
Lanes motorcyclists must not use
Cycle lanes: Motorcyclists must not use cycle lanes as they are reserved for cyclists. They may cross cycle lanes, though, as can other vehicles.

Motorbikes can’t use cycle lanes
Motorbikes cannot ride along the pavement or footpath
Motorbikes must not use T-way lanes as they are reserved for authorised buses and service vehicles