Driver Knowledge Tests

How to protect your legal rights after being hurt in an accident with a fatigued driver

Driver sleeping at rest stop

Around 40% of people get less than the recommended amount of sleep if this American study is anything to go by. The average person needs 7-9 hours a night according to the Sleep Health Foundation. Driving while you are tired

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How does being tired affect your driving?

We have a sleep/wake cycle that affects how tired we are. We can fight this cycle, but only for so long: eventually, our body’s requirement for sleep will be too strong and we will fall asleep. If this happens while

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Driving tired: how to recognise the signs and deal with them

Driver sleeping at rest stop

What can affect your driving as much as driving drunk? Tiredness is the answer. Tiredness, fatigue or drowsiness can slow down our reactions and make it difficult for us to concentrate. Suddenly you’re asleep, in a head-on with a road

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Changing season brings more risks for truck drivers

Spring came this week, and Daylight Saving is just a month away on October 5th, but both of those mark an increase in risk for truck drivers. Drivers often either work during hours where traffic is minimised (i.e. during the

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Posted in Advice, Heavy Vehicle