Driver Knowledge Tests

Licence and pink slip changes in NSW – what you need to know

May has been a busy month for changes that make vehicle ownership easier for NSW drivers.

Roads Minister Duncan Gay announced two significant improvements:

  • The introduction of 10-year drivers licences for drivers between the ages of 21 and 44
  • The extension of the validity of light vehicle safety inspection reports (pink slips)

Roads Minister Duncan Gay said, “It’s all about removing red tape to save people time and money.

“Currently all light vehicles, more than five years old require a pink slip in order to renew their registration.

“From the end of this year pink slips will be valid for six months rather than six weeks.”

Vehicle owners will have more flexibility to choose a convenient time for their annual vehicle safety inspection, for example, when the service is done.

The Minister alluded to only offering 10-year licences to those with good driving records, and didn’t elaborate what this meant, i.e. it could be that if you have had recent fines for speeding or other indiscretions that you might not be offered the 10-year option.

The changes will save $3 million per year, which is approximately $1 for every motorist affected by the changes.

To renew your registration, visit Roads and Maritime’s renewal page here.

Darren is an expert on driving and transport, and is a member of the Institute of Advanced Motorists

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